Nashrisaf MR.
1 min readDec 18, 2020

What Is Neomodern Architecture & How It Differs From Post-modern Architecture

Figure 1: Simple Illustration of modern, post-modern, & neomodern architecture

If the Modernism architectural movement died on July 15, 1972, there’s no specific date could be set for the death of Post-Modernism. When Post-Modernism reached its golden period (1980s), a new trend of Deconstructionism emerged to another form of post-modernism which was also followed by the waning of post-modernism in most major cities.

In contrast to Post-Modernism, which attempts to use architectural meaning through the use of linguistic analogies (metaphors, syntax, semantics). Neo-Modernism was initiated by moving the deconstruction. The term “deconstruction” itself actually was used for the first time by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida in his book “De La Grammatologie” (1967). Deconstruction attempts to dismantle Western metaphysics, which is based on fixed and unsurpassable convictions. To do that, Derrida doubted every conviction of the Western philosophical tradition.

Deconstruction in architecture try to ‘revolting’ against modernsims and carried out by using the ambiguity of poststructuralism to create ambiguous and scandalous works. Such as the acontectualism (removed the building from its context) and removes the building from itself.

Nashrisaf MR.
Nashrisaf MR.

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